The Ella Theme is one of the supported themes by our app but due to some updates on the theme you might encounter that some elements are not showing like the Add To Cart button not changing to the pre-order button.
To make pre-orders completely compatible with the Ella Theme make sure you add the following selectors below in the Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Selectors.
Form Selector
Button Selector
Product Page Image Container Selector
div.product-single__photos:first,#slider-product-template, .photos__item--main:first, #productPhotoContainer-product-template,.product-form__radio
Variant Selector
form[action^='/cart/add']:first select:visible, .radio-wrapper fieldset, form[action^='/cart/add']:first input[type='radio']
Mutation Classes
The above selectors are tested in:
Theme Name: Ella
Theme version: 6.2.3
If you encounter any difficulties or have further questions, don't hesitate to contact customer support via the chat box located at the bottom right corner of the screen. We're here to assist you every step of the way.